Gun Violence Unit

Gun Violence Unit

“We must stand together to combat senseless gun violence in our community.”

-State Attorney Suzy Lopez

Our office’s Gun Violence Unit (GVU) is focused on combatting gun violence through strengthening prosecutions, collaborating with law enforcement, and tracking violent offenders who victimize our community. The GVU is comprised of a division chief, deputy chief and three lead trial attorneys who are assisted in their work by three legal assistants and an investigator. The caseload of each of these prosecutors consists primarily of non-fatal firearm cases resulting in great bodily harm (cases carrying the 25-year minimum mandatory penalties under Florida’s 10-20-Life provisions in Florida Stat. §775.087). The GVU also works closely with law enforcement to identify individuals who are involved in gun violence to prioritize the prosecution of any crimes that they commit.

Collaboration with Law Enforcement

Collaboration with Law Enforcement

Attorneys in our Gun Violence Unit respond to scenes of gun violence to assist law enforcement and learn details about the investigation at the earliest possible stage. The GVU meets regularly with law enforcement agencies to review offenders who pose a heightened risk of gun violence to the community to determine appropriate prosecution strategies.

Gun Violence Unit - Leveraging Technologies

Leveraging Technology

Social media is an essential tool that can assist in prosecuting gun violence cases. GVU utilizes information from social platforms to bolster prosecutions by locating evidence regarding illegal possession of firearms or videos of the crimes themselves. Our office has increased the use of to obtain and organize digital evidence for prosecution.

Gun Violence Unit - Focus on Juvenile Gun Violence

Focusing on Juvenile Gun Violence

State Attorney Suzy Lopez takes a strong stance on combatting juvenile gun violence. Our office collaborates with community partners to help educate youth about the dangers of gun violence. In the last 5 years, the number of juvenile firearm arrests has more than doubled. Our prosecutors are focused on ensuring anyone who injures or kills another person with a firearm is held accountable.

Community Partnerships

Victim Assistance Program

Safe and Sound Hillsborough

Rise Up For Peace

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

Gun Violence Solutions in the News

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